Saturday, January 16, 2010

Our Thoughts

Heard something interesting today. Scientists have shown that most of our thoughts, over 90% in some people, are the exact same thoughts we had yesterday. This goes on day after day. So, in essence, we are living the same day over and over again. Most of our thoughts are based on habit. The next discovery they made was that a majority of these thoughts are negative. In some people 80% of their thoughts are negative.

Interestingly enough, in the people they studied they found that a majority of the negative thoughts people have were untrue, whether outright false or somewhat untrue. Interesting. Our thoughts determine our actions, which determine our habits, which determines who we are... All based on incorrect negative thoughts. No wonder so many people are on Prozac.

Can't remember exactly who said these, but
"You can live a thousand days, or one day a thousand times."
"People judge others by their actions, but themselves by their intentions."

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