Friday, February 5, 2010

On Being Boring...

What exactly makes a person boring? And how can I be a "not boring" person?

As I think about it, I think it comes down to routines. We have a routine for just about everything, and how well we stick to those routines determines how interesting or boring we are. I think a boring person always has a predictable answer for everything. Talking to a boring person may produce the same conversation over and over, even if it is about different subjects. Talking becomes a routine. An interesting person, on the other hand, looks at each conversation or experience and tries to look at it in a new way. They aren't stuck in the same old rut of thinking. Your brain is engaged while you are talking to them. Which is why they are interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly hope you've never had these thoughts during a discussion with me :)

    Hey - this blog could definitely use a few photos. Have you thought of uploading a few cute ones of your family? So I can see all these beautiful girls you keep talking about???
