Think about your greatest strength. The one that really gets you ahead at work, home or wherever. The attribute you are truly proud of yourself for.
It is probably also your greatest weakness. Why is it that many who succeed at work have such poor family lives? Why do some have great relationships but keep under-performing at work? Think about the organized person at work. Everyone loves them, they meet all their goals, get raises etc. They are truly exceptional at organizing things and people. However, at home they fight with their family, who for some reason do not wish to be organized. They want someone "more fun." They don't want to be controlled.
Or look at another who excels at interpersonal relationships. Every one's good friend, laid back and always ready for an adventure, loves life. Everyone wants to be around them and never fights with anyone. Until, of course, they go to work and get laid off from every job they get for under-performing. "He was a really good guy, just never got anything done."
I think just being aware of this fact helps me be aware that a strength in one area of my life doesn't automatically translate into another role I have. In fact, different strengths need to be developed for different roles. If we try to "do what works" at work when we go home, for instance, may not be a good thing. Even if it is our greatest strength.