Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters

I graduated from college with a degree in business, with an emphasis on marketing. In my classes, we learned how to shape customers perceptions of our products and to create needs where there weren’t necessarily any before. It is very powerful and makes a lot of companies and individuals very wealthy. It also serves to shape our society in many ways.

I have been listening to an audio cd called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters. I highly recommend reading it for anyone who has daughters. It talks about the influence that fathers can have on their daughters for good and bad. In many ways, dads are more influential than mothers. So, we dads better buck up and take this job seriously.

Kids are continuously bombarded with messages from the media. They are told that they need to look a certain way, act a certain way etc. Who is telling them how to act? The marketing professionals. What is their motive? To make money.

As parents, we need to talk to our kids and let them know that much of what they see and hear is not real life. If we don’t shape our kids, the media will.


  1. Thanks for the idea Sam - I'll forward the book title to Greg.

  2. I firmly believe that a lot of the problems we face today are due to fathers not playing an active role in their children's lives. My husband and I believe that kids are more likely to turn out gay if their parents, especially their fathers, did not have an active role in their lives. Or they turn to something or someone who they look to as a father figure or that can make them feel loved.
