Thursday, January 21, 2010

Feeling tired and burned out?

So I was talking to one of my clients, a homeopathic doctor. I asked her what kinds of patients she sees most often. She told me that most of the patients that she sees are feeling stressed, burned out, unhappy, no energy etc. Guess what she tells them to do? Take antidepressants? A miracle cure from the orient? Acai? Nope.

She says in many cases it comes down to one or more of three things-- Not enough sleep, exercise, or poor nutrition. Just the things we have been taught since our childhood to do, but never seem to have enough time to follow through with. Think about it, when was the last time you got 8 hrs of sleep, exercised a half hour, and didn’t eat sugar or something processed (ie real food) for a day? She said if someone does this religiously for a couple of weeks they will see a huge difference.

So, are you feeling tired, stressed, burned out, unhappy, no energy etc? Now you know what you need to do!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Conflict in Marriage

So my wife and I decide to watch a video on improving your marriage. Sounds fun, right? Actually, my wife and I have a wonderful relationship with, ahem, perhaps a minor spat every once and again--we always find that she was right the whole time... ;)

Anyway, he had an interesting fact to share. Most problems a couple argues about don’t go away. In fact, in the most successful marriages less than 30% of the major problems are actually resolved. They just get rehashed over and over again; with both spouses blaming the other or thinking the other is somehow defective in their thinking (this is assuming there isn’t a problem such as abuse or addiction, etc). If one leaves the marriage and finds another, perhaps those exact issues aren’t a problem, but they find a bunch of new things to argue about.

Turns out that in successful relationships, both people spend the time to understand where the other is coming from, their dreams and ambitions, etc. Then they find ways to compromise where both are happy. They don't try to change the other (because they can't) but find ways to work with each other. It begins by caring enough to understand their partner first.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Our Thoughts

Heard something interesting today. Scientists have shown that most of our thoughts, over 90% in some people, are the exact same thoughts we had yesterday. This goes on day after day. So, in essence, we are living the same day over and over again. Most of our thoughts are based on habit. The next discovery they made was that a majority of these thoughts are negative. In some people 80% of their thoughts are negative.

Interestingly enough, in the people they studied they found that a majority of the negative thoughts people have were untrue, whether outright false or somewhat untrue. Interesting. Our thoughts determine our actions, which determine our habits, which determines who we are... All based on incorrect negative thoughts. No wonder so many people are on Prozac.

Can't remember exactly who said these, but
"You can live a thousand days, or one day a thousand times."
"People judge others by their actions, but themselves by their intentions."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy for no reason

Everyone chases happiness. But few find it. Because they assume that happiness is rooted in something outside them. If only….

If only I was married.

If only I was out of school.

If only I was retired.

If only my spouse would (fill in the blank)

If I was rich.


Happiness does not come from things or persons outside ourselves. The more we chase it, the further it retreats from us. We need to be happy for no reason at all. Happy regardless of whether life is going good or bad. Regardless of what others do or how they treat us. As Stephen R. Covey says, “We need to bring our own sunshine with us.” Is this a conscious decision we can make?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters

I graduated from college with a degree in business, with an emphasis on marketing. In my classes, we learned how to shape customers perceptions of our products and to create needs where there weren’t necessarily any before. It is very powerful and makes a lot of companies and individuals very wealthy. It also serves to shape our society in many ways.

I have been listening to an audio cd called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters. I highly recommend reading it for anyone who has daughters. It talks about the influence that fathers can have on their daughters for good and bad. In many ways, dads are more influential than mothers. So, we dads better buck up and take this job seriously.

Kids are continuously bombarded with messages from the media. They are told that they need to look a certain way, act a certain way etc. Who is telling them how to act? The marketing professionals. What is their motive? To make money.

As parents, we need to talk to our kids and let them know that much of what they see and hear is not real life. If we don’t shape our kids, the media will.