Monday, November 16, 2009

Peaks and Valleys

So you are having bad times. What should you do now?

First, everyone has good and bad times. Are you any different?

I will call them peaks and valleys in life. I believe that a valley in your life is determined by what you did in your last peak, and your peak is determined by what you did in your last valley. Confused yet?

Here is a relationship example. Lets say my wife and I are really having a great relationship this month. All is good-- a true peak. Do I:

1. Become complacent? Start taking her for granted and stop doing the things that got us to the peak? or

2. Keep doing the small things. Be appreciative and loving, even when times are good.

Can you see how the choice of 1 or 2 will determine how soon the next valley comes (and it will), and how deep it will be?

Another example. Your job stinks. Your company didn't manage the peak of a few years ago well and overextended themselves. Now money is tight and all of your co-workers are grumbling. What should you do?

1. Be mad just like the rest of them. Complain how you have no control and wonder when you will be laid off.

2. Go to your boss and ask what are the main problems they are having. Ask what you can do to help. Have some meetings with a couple of co-workers and solve the problem. Help get everyone excited about getting the company back on track.

If you choose option 2, who do you think will be the last one laid off? First promoted with a pay raise when the economy improves? That's right, you. See how you can turn your valley into a peak?

Remember, people don't get in trouble in bad times. They get in trouble by what they do in good times. They will overextend themselves in those good times and either won''t be able to reign in their expenses when the tough times come or won't have the resources to make it.

1 comment:

  1. Now I understand why they call this area, "The Vegas Valley". ;-)
