Compare your job to a straw with water in it. You are a drop of water in the straw. In order to move up in the straw, you either need to be pushed up by the water directly below you or the water directly above you must move up, creating a vacuum for you to move into. So, to move up (get promoted) I say you have two options that are directly under your control.
1. Help those under you move into your position. Every employer loves someone who can train others and help them move others forward. As others are able to take more of the responsibility you once had it frees you up to move toward greater responsibilities-- ie promotion. I know that some may feel this strategy is the quickest way to get replaced and lose your job. I would be worried only if:
A. You have no other skills and are therefore not qualified to move into a position with greater responsibility (In which case getting laid off is just a matter of time anyway, when you think about it--time to upgrade your skills!), or
B. You use all of your new free time to slack or otherwise waste time. Ask your boss for more responsibility and it will come. Make the most of the opportunity.
2. Help your boss succeed-- ie create a vacuum for you to move into. If the boss is getting promoted and you were the one who helped get them there, who do you think they will recommend for their position?
Bottom line, there will never be a time where companies aren't looking for people who can make things happen, and uplift those they work with as well. Unfortunately too many workers spend their time wondering what the company is doing for them, rather than what they can do to help the company and those around them succeed (Sounds like a JFK quote, huh). These are the ones who need to worry about the unemployment line....